Title: Blue Bob #12 & 35
Material: oil on canvas
Size: 30×20
2013 SOLD
Creativity has much to do with experience, observation and imagination, and if any one of those key elements is missing, it doesn’t work.
— Bob Dylan
How does it feel?
This title is a very thinly veiled reference to Dylan’s song, “Rainy Day Woman #12 & #35, aka the “Everybody must get stoned” song. I don’t know what he’s talking about. Stoning seems so Biblical in this day and age, but maybe it was the punishment for speaking with your mouth full in the mining town of Hibbings, Minnesota, where Dylan grew up.
Potato mining had at one time so overtaken the town of Hibbings that the entire town had to be moved two miles upwind. True story. From Hibbings, the potatoes were transported by rail to the big lake they call Gitche Gumee, and loaded onto long freighters like the Edmund Fitzgerald. But that’s another song by another folk singer.