Title: El Sombrero es Rojo
Material: oil on canvas
Size: 30×72
Year: 2000 SOLD
Someone had to do it. That son of a bitch killed my president. – Jack Ruby
This painting is an elongated version of a detail from my first painting, “Surreal Thing”, depicting JFK’s assassin’s assassin, Jack Ruby. I put the subject to service here as a basic textbook Spanish lesson, “El sombrero es rojo.” “The hat is red.” I can’t brush up on your Espanol for you, you know. Only you can do that.
This painting was shown before it was completed, in the interest of opportunity, and sold shortly thereafter, so the painting remains open-ended, which is not the same as being nonfinito. It now enjoys a place of prestige in the growing Cool Antolic Collection of Art (CACA).
Otra vez, repeta clase: “El sombrero es rojo …”