Title: Erniology: Portrait of Ernie Bushmiller
Material: oil on canvas
Size: 52×38
Year: 2015 SOLD
If a kid slips on a banana peel in Norway he still falls down. — Ernie Bushmiller
In “Erniology”, the creator of the comic strip “Nancy” for over 50 years, Ernie Bushmiller, is honored as a holy fool sitting on his throne, while mayhem of his own making ensues. His koan-like comics (he wrote and drew about 14,000 of them) were easy to find and easy to read, but not always easy to comprehend.
I always figured Sluggo to be German-Irish and from the Bronx, because Ernie was, plus Sluggo wore patched clothing and had an extraordinarily poor awareness of grammar and syntax. But Nancy would need to consult Ancestry.com to explain that hair of hers.