Title: Immaculate Perception: Portrait of Aldous Huxley
Material: Oil on canvas
Size: 28×28
Year: 2016 SOLD
The purified language of science, or even the richer purified language of literature, will never be adequate to the given-ness of the world.
– Aldous Huxley
This is simply a retelling of Huxley’s bicycle story from his book “Doors of Perception”, in as much detail and economy as 4 square feet can support.
In his story, Aldous ingests a powerful hallucinogen and mayhem ensues. In fact, he barely made it home.
His normally black-and-white visage has here gone almost full color. The sparkle and dazzle of the background is formed by the spokes of a bicycle wheel, and even his ever-present nerd glasses have gone two-wheeler.
Huxley also wrote “Brave New World”, which most people have never read.