Title: Ytic Kroy Wen
Material: oil on canvas
Size: 70×48
Year: 1990 SOLD
When music comes to me – ‘the music of the spheres, the music that surpasseth understanding’ – that has nothing to do with me, ‘cause I’m just a channel. The only joy for me is for it to be given to me, and to transcribe it like a medium … Those moments are what I live for. – John Lennon
liverpool john ono
sergeant pepper dreamweaver
in new york city
That was a haiku poem. People think all you need is three lines of 5,7 & 5 syllables to qualify as a Haiku, but it also needs to balance on a pause. And, the 5-7-5 rules applies to Haikus written in Japanese, but that might translate, for example, to 7, 10 and 2 syllables in English. So, get that chopstick out of your ass and loosen up a little on that 5-7-5 rule. I’m paraphrasing Alan Ginsburg when I advise this, by the way (btw). But don’t listen to me.
This painting was sold to a builder on Long Island who prefers to remain anonymous, named Vinny “The Hammer” Risotto.